Ukraine offers several special legal regimes to facilitate investments
activity and future recovery as follows:
Significant investment projects
construction (including upgrades and re-equipment, etc.) and/or supply
projects in certain business areas and subject to specific (preferred)
terms and conditions, commonly known from “law on investment nannies”
(Law of Ukraine “On State Support of Investment Projects with Significant
Investments in Ukraine” No. 1116-IX dated 17 December 2020).
Industrial parks
territories which are designated for industrial park development in
accordance with the local zoning documentation and equipped with
the relevant infrastructure, and where participants of industrial park
may carry out certain business activities on preferential terms. (Law of Ukraine “On Industrial Parks” No. 5018-VI dated 21 June 2012).
Immediate recovery projects
a set of exemptions and simplified procedures, which serve as fast-track
solution for constructions and other activities addressing immediate
humanitarian and industrial needs (social/temporary housing, recovery of
critical infrastructure, construction of industrial and energy objects, etc.),
subject to certain exceptions within the period of martial law and certain
additional period following its termination Law of Ukraine “On Amendments
to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Peculiarities of
Regulation of Land Relations under Martial Law” No. 2247-IX dated 12 May
2022 (the “Law No. 2247”); Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain
Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Simplify the Procedure for Changing Land Use
Designation to Attract Investments for the Purpose of Immediate Recovery of
Ukraine” No. 3563-IX dated 06 February 2024 (the “Law No. 3563”), coming
into effect on 28 May 2024).
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